Comprehensive Site Characterization
Soil, Ground Water, Surface Water, and Sediment Investigations! Oh my!

Trust us, they can be scarier than lions, tigers, and bears. Enfuse is highly trained and skilled with the assessment, testing, and analysis of all types of contaminated media.
Environmental investigations characterize site conditions, establishing the presence or absence of hazardous substances and the extent that remediation or cleanup may be necessary. Data quality is critical to this process in order to select the most practical and effective approach to remediation. Enfuse diligently collects data you can rely on to make informed decisions to reduce your environmental liability and achieve the end vision of your project.
Vapor Intrusion Investigations? Yeah, we do those too.
Enfuse has designed many vapor intrusion investigations and performed indoor air, sub-slab soil gas, and ambient air sampling at a variety of sites. Site-specific and structure-specific methods are used to efficiently quantify and interpret potential vapor intrusion risks to human receptors at impacted sites. We are also committed to implementing the latest vapor intrusion techniques and analysis to meet our clients’ needs in this rapidly evolving field.