Brownfields Redevelopment
Creative Land Recycling
Brownfields are abandoned, idled, or underutilized commercial, industrial, and manufacturing properties where future development is hindered by real or perceived contamination.
Brownfields redevelopment positively impacts the local economy and community by:
- Protecting human health and the environment
- Encouraging higher property values and increasing tax base
- Creating new jobs and safe, livable neighborhoods
- Reducing and removing blight

Enfuse guides property owners and municipalities through the integrated remediation and reinvestment process with a community-based understanding and strategy.
We identify, evaluate, and control occupational and environmental hazards on your brownfields sites through:
- Baseline, existing building, and new project site assessment
- Site investigation and remediation of ground water, soil and bedrock; surface water and sediment; and indoor and ambient air and subslab vapor
- Remedial action alternative selection, cost/benefit analyses, and work plan preparation
- Geophysical surveys
- Tank inspections, management, and integrity testing
- Regulatory interfacing, permitting, and approvals
- Waste characterization and transportation/disposal management